Mini Sessions & Strategy Calls

The easiest way to get my eyes on your business and fast-ish solutions to your most annoying problem.

(Fast-ish only cuz they book up... so don't wait!)

I used to have just one single catch-all Strategy Session, and it was okay . . .

But I found that the more specific we make the topic the easier it is for you to conceptualize the benefit of a focused discussion designed to create clarity and momentum.

All the sessions work pretty much work like this:

—You word vomit out what's going on.
—I ask you some questions to clarify your goals.
—Then we map out strategies and solutions.

Pretty simple, eh?

If there's a topic you want but don't see listed you can...
→ message me on LinkedIn or Facebook
→ drop me a line over here

That way we can chat about what you're looking for before you schedule.
Then you can book in, knowing we'll head in the specific direction you want.

I'll either spin up a new session with your preferred focus and agenda in mind.
(Because if you want it, someone else probably does too.)

Or, trust your instinct and pick one!
You can't go wrong because I'm good at meeting people where they are, and helping them through whatever they're navigating.

By the way, you can reschedule up to 2 times if something pops up...

However I request you use your session within 60 days of your purchase because that helps me manage my capacity and serve you better.

All sales are final.

Clear Calm & Confident

During this 60-min session we work together to create clarity – so that you can find some peace and create forward momentum.

This is for you if you find yourself going in circles, perhaps not sure about what you're not sure about, and/or driving *yourself* a lil bonkers with indecision.

When all the decisions come with a "what if" litany of concerns, it can be hard to know what the right next move is.And talking it out in your own mind only leads you to go in circles.

During the session, you can verbally process as much as you need to. I want you to word vomit it all out!

I use deep listening skills to uncover what's under the surface and *actually* getting in your way so I can help you sort through the pieces.

I can make some suggestions based on my experience, however, my goal is to help you find the best decision based on your own internal wisdom.

60-minute Session for $350 USD

Email Marketing

Kick off or Up-level your Email Marketing game!

You can book this if you're just getting started, having trouble getting started, or have ignored your list and are utterly shame spiraling. (I tease, but that's the reason most people book this! 😅)

During our call we'll talk though what you've been doing and what you want to be doing instead. I'll answer those nagging questions in the back of your mind, put you at ease, and inspire you with new ideas.

People walk out of this session positively LIT UP – it's one of my personal favorites.

Together we can get out of the mindset rut of "email marketing is noise" and/or "no one reads email" and/or "my list is too small" – because none of that is true. 😉

I'll share some tips to get you unstuck and strategies you can implement immediately.

60-minute Session for $350 USD

(If you want to look at the technical setup of your email application, I recommend booking the tech strategy session instead!

Pick My Brain

During this 60-min session you can ask me about anything you like — no need to have an agenda.

This is for you if the other one-off sessions feel like too much or you have multiple topics that are jumbling together in your mind.

I can help you lay out all the pieces of the proverbial puzzle. Together we can make sense of them so that both your brain and your heart are happy.

Having someone to deeply listen without offering strategy or fixing before hearing all the pieces can be incredibly powerful.

60-minute Session for $350 USD

Map Your Plan

Let's map a plan for your next month or quarter!

Eliminate the shiny object distractions and be laser focused on creating results that make you squeal like a toddler discovering bubbles.

This is for you if you're mostly clear where you're heading, but want a sounding board and thinking partner to help you fine-tune your approach.

Together we'll define what 'done' and 'success' looks like right now, in this season of life or business, with your current constraints.

90-minute Session for $525 USD

Tech Strategy + Q&A

During this 90-min session we assess an aspect of your business systems and your desired solution — so that you feel confident in your approach and know the next steps you need to take.

This is for you if you're wondering "Can I do this in Airtable?" Or, "Is this the best way to set up my KPI spreadsheet?"

This is an app agnostic call, meaning we can look at whatever platform you want!

For that reason, this is one session where I recommend scheduling a consult call first.

That way I can tell you if your topic, problem, or question is in my wheelhouse and something I've worked on before, and it will also highlight if there's benefit for me to do a bit of research or testing to prior to the paid session.

Often the goal of this session is to head toward creating proof of concept.... basically, to start answering a form of this question:

"Can I use [application] to do [specific action or result] and solve [problem]?"

90-minute Session for $525 USD

Notion Shazam

The app that is flexible enough to rule the world, or break your brain, or both.

Notion requires some willingness to experiment.

What I say to new Notion users often is this: "If you're unwilling to fuck around, you'll never find out if it can really work for you."

The problem is, if you're not familiar with how databases work, or where to start, it can feel really confronting.

60-minute Session for $350 USD