Momentum Masterplan 📈

Your 90-Day Blueprint for Breakthrough Results → Remove the Overwhelm and Create a Doable Plan

$350 USD



Momentum Masterplan 📈

Go from overwhelm and too many ideas to overjoy from having a doable and clear plan.

In this potent planning session, we'll:

  • Zero in on what really moves the needle in your business – so you can eliminate distractions with ease
  • Craft specific and tailored action steps that respects your capacity – so your plan feels clear and doable
  • Define what 'done' and 'success' look like for YOU, right now, in this season of life – so your actions are aligned with your goals and values

You are a go-getter who:

  • Has a general sense of direction but craves a finely-tuned GPS for their journey
  • Wants a no-nonsense sounding board to challenge and refine their ideas
  • Is ready to transform nebulous goals into concrete, actionable steps

You'll walk away with:

  • A crystal-clear roadmap for your next month or quarter
  • Realistic yet stretchy goals that'll have you doing a happy dance when you crush them
  • Strategies to stay on track and resist the siren call of shiny object syndrome

No more scattered efforts or wishy-washy plans.

It's time to channel your energy into a focused effort toward results that'll make you squeal with delight.

Ready to laser-focus on creating results that'll have you bubbling over with excitement?

Let's map out your next 30 – 60 – 90 days so you can make intentional progress that feels deeply satisfying.

$350 USD



A Bit More About Me & My Work

In case you're curious before you book your session!

About Me

Howdy! I'm Sandra.

I have 20+ years of experience designing fancy-schmancy CRM and content management systems for corporate clients – mostly architecture & engineering firms.

Moreover, I have a dozen plus years of running my own business - including all the sales, marketing & operational adventures (aka, battle scars) that come with that.

I work mostly with service and expertise-based businesses (coaches, consultants, and licensed professionals).

How I Help

I create order from chaos.

I am a neurospicy human who likes solving complex business problems.

I have a unique mix of skills in design, copywriting, and software selection & implementation.

I also have a deep network, so if I can solve your problem I probably know someone who can.

What You Can Expect

I am delightful & I have a StrategyBrain™.

I serve as a catalyst. I help you face that thing you know you're ignoring (but I do it in a way that doesn't make you feel like shit) and that spurs you on to whatever is next.

I can help you synthesize the information you have and integrate it into a plan that's actually doable, rather than overwhelming.

My favorite thing is to help you capture what makes you & and your approach unique, translate your expertise into clear methodology that your prospects can understand.

Everything I do is designed to help you streamline and simplify your sales and marketing process by helping you build stronger relationships with your prospects.

Book Your Mini Session

Your 90-Day Blueprint for Breakthrough Results → Remove the Overwhelm and Create a Doable Plan

$350 USD



All the Mini Sessions

It's safe to trust your instinct about which session to book – we can start to whatever you feel drawn toward and I'll guide you from there.

You can always book a free consult first, if you'd like.

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Momentum Masterplan 📈

Your 90-Day Blueprint for Breakthrough Results → Remove the Overwhelm and Create a Doable Plan

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Catch-all, Anything Goes, Pick-My-Brain Session → Freeform Session Where We Can Do Anything

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