Bite-sized Solutions for Self-Employed Experts, Consultants, & Service-Providers

If you want to stay focused on the THING you do so well and you do not want to be bogged down in systems, marketing, or sales...

... then you're in luck, because systematizing operations is totally my favorite thing to do.

If you're with an A/E/C firm or looking for help with Deltek Vision or an alternative solution... I have a new website home for these services coming soon.

In the interim, feel free to
book a call or contact me here.

Email Marketing  •  Sales Tracking  •  Client Relationship Management  •  Automations & Analytics

Better systems means more profit, and more profit means more freedom...
freedom to focus on who and what you care about most.

If that sounds good to you, then you're in the right place.

If you want to improve your email marketing game, I’d love to have you join me for my next LIVE workshop on...

October 8th, 2024 at 2:30p ET

Early bird enrollment is open until Oct 1…
You can get $50 off using the coupon code SPOOKYSEASON

As an independent consultant or B2B service-provider, then at least once a day, you probably ask yourself...

"What am I even doing?" 😫

First, you're not alone. That's all of us. Running a (mostly) solo shop is not for the faint of heart.

Second, even when your biz starts to grow such that you can justify ongoing virtual assistance... there are still some projects that benefit from expert guidance or outside perspective.

Because going round in circles in your own mind (and using your cat/dog/rabbit as your sounding board) comes with some... limitations. 😉

Helping solo business owners implement simple systems feels important to me because...

Most of us are different, somehow.

We're neurodivergent, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, perimenopausal, raising children, and/or caring for aging parents.

We're human, in other words. And that makes us different by capitalist standards.

Regular employment either never worked for us, or burned us the ever-loving fuck out. (Because work in society is not working for the vast majority right now.)

And we're not going back. Going back isn't an option. Going back equals death (either physically, mentally, emotionally, or all of the above.)

In other words, there's no plan B.

Moreover, we're not here to be told what to do. We're change-makers with brilliant ideas and different ways of doing things. Better ways of doing things.

We deserve to have profitable businesses that give us the time and freedom we're looking for so that we can create lives with purpose and meaning.

We want space to walk our dogs at a leisurely pace and pick up our kids after school – or whatever your version of that is.

If it sounds like we have a match in world views, and what you're looking for, then welcome – I'm so glad we found each other!

Hey there, I'm Sandra.

I have 20+ years of experience setting up fancy schmancy databases for architecture and engineering firms to improve their marketing and sales process.

I have a knack for making the complicated simple and clear, and I'd love to help you create momentum in your business.

Would you like first dibs?

My email community is a special place where I share updates that are not always made public, such as discount codes and scholarships.

Plus, you get first access to my availability for project start dates and upcoming workshops.

Last but not least... you'll learn a lot about how I approach email (and selling with integrity) by being on my list, too – which is probably beneficial if that's what you want help with!

    I make it easy to unsubscribe, so if you decide it's not for you – no worries.
    You can hop off my list anytime, no hard feelings.

    What if you could...

    Trust you have a clear path forward and knew exactly what to focus on next?

    Relax into your bigger picture vision?

    Stay focused on the right things, instead of attempting to do all the things?

    Book a free 15-minute consult and I'll explain more about how I can help.

    This is not a sales call, it is a friendly chat to see if we vibe.