The Engaging Email Marketing Audit

For Expertise & Service-based Businesses

This audit will determine the gaps in your email marketing strategy and what help you see what your best next move is.

I want to help you create...

  • more leads – overall
  • more leads – from your email marketing
  • increased referrals – from your fans
  • sales interactions - of a higher quality
  • faster conversions

Email marketing is more nuanced than some business owners realize.

Which means they could have ideas about email marketing that don't apply to their business model.

And that's not their fault – the nuance of email marketing just isn't talked about enough.

These misconceptions and lack of strategy can cost business owners connections with clients, subscribers, and strategic partners.

Knowing how to generate demand and nurture leads via email marketing in a way that is designed strategically for your business model can help you to leverage social media and paid ads, or possibly shift your lead generation entirely to a platform you own.

Your list size is pretty much irrelevant.

There are facts – and then there is what we make the facts mean.

That's why I offer a free 60-min session with me.

To really dig into your current approach to lead generation and sales (so you can decide what the numbers are telling you, or figure out which numbers to look at.)

We can't know what we don't know – until we do.

I'm here to help you level up your email marketing game (and your marketing and your sales) – right now.

At the end of your session we'll map out the precise action steps to create the outcome you're looking for.

My promise is that you'll walk away with actionable advice you can implement immediately.